Thursday, December 3, 2009

A Case of Mistaken Identity

When I arrived at the school on Friday afternoon, Alisdair had a worried look on his face. As he climbed into the passenger seat he told me, in a concerned voice, "Mum the Jehovah's Witnesses were at my school today. They were handing out Bibles."

I couldn't believe it - even for a minute. After all, I didn't think the administration would approve of such a visit.

Then it dawned on me. So I said to Alisdair, "Are you sure it wasn't the Gideons."

"Yeah, THAT was it. I couldn't remember the name. I didn't know if I should take one of their red Bibles or not. But I got one."

He seemed very relieved when I explained that the Gideons were a good group of people who went to schools and gave out New Testaments to Grade 5 students, and that they also gave out Bibles to soldiers, and put them in hospital rooms and in hotels and motels.

When we got home he called Grandma and Grandpa to let them know his faux pas and we all had a good laugh about his mix-up. All that worry for nothing!

Counting Calories . . .

She's only four years old but apparently Isobel is already concerned about the caloric content of the foods she eats!

As I was spooning the contents of her third small pot of yoghurt in to her mouth this morning, Isobel asked me, "Mum, how many CAVITIES are in that."

Not catching on to what she meant, I said, "You used to have a cavity, but the dentist fixed it."

"No, not THAT one," Isobel replied, probing until I finally realized what she actually meant.

I guess you are never to young to take an interest in nutrition!

Friday, November 27, 2009

The Colourful Game...

Alisdair was excitedly running around before school trying to find some green clothes to wear as it was "Rider Pride" day at school. They were having a tailgate party for lunch (selling burgers and pop) and he was totally into it as he cheers for the Saskatchewan Roughriders on a regular basis.

"Green is the colour and football is the game..." he sang as he arrived in the bedroom, where Isobel was lying on the bed watching cartoons.

Immediately she began to sing, too -- and on key! Only Isobel had her own lyrics "Red is the colour and soccer is the game!"

That girl can sure think on her feet and keeps surprising me and making me laugh!

Monday, November 23, 2009

But Mum...

Isobel often provides insight into the mind of a child and how it works!

The other day she was wanting to know where her stamper from her McDonald's Happy Meal was. It was early morning and I was still running around the house in my nightgown.

Isobel asked where her stamper was and I assured her that it was safe, and that I could get it for her later. "It's in my pants," I said.

She looked at me, puzzled and said "But Mum ... you're not wearing pants!"

Now how do you explain that the stamper is in the pocket of my jeans that are down the hall in the bedroom...

Isobel makes me laugh like this on a regular basis!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Just like an Elephant!

My washing machine has leaked for years but it has been getting worse and worse as time has gone on. Our local appliance repairman has fixed various problems but he seems reluctant to return to examine it to determine what is wrong is this time.

I kept saying that it was "my good machine" and in my mind I was thinking it was still "new." Then it finally hit me, that we had purchased the Whirlpool before my son was born -- and he just celebrated his tenth birthday.

New hubby said he wasn't an appliance repairman and maybe it was just "worn out" and we should replace the machine. Although I was worried about the cost, I agreed to go look at new washers on Thursday evening.

So the four of us all trucked over to Home Depot and picked out an Amana front loader. Unfortunately the store doesn't keep appliances in stock and so you have to place your order and wait for a couple of weeks for delivery.

After we left, I took the kids to McDonalds for a late supper. As she was eating her fries Isobel looked up at me and innocently asked "Is the washing machine in the trunk, Mummy..."

I guess she remembered waiting in line at the check out and she remembered us saying that we were buying a new machine, but she didn't remember seeing it packed up! So I quickly explained to her how the order process worked.

Now Isobel and I are eagerly awaiting the telephone call that will signal the arrival of the new appliance... and we'll all soon be wearing clean clothes! I can't wait!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Age ... From a Child's Perspective...

Yesterday we were in the city and went to McDonalds so Isobel could get a Happy Meal and "Build-a-Bear" toy... Of course John, her stepdad, refuses to eat at that particular restaurant. So Isobel and I went in and I got two "take out" meals. Then John drove to the nearest A & W and went in to order what he wanted to eat.

Meanwhile, Isobel and I sat in the gold station wagon waiting for him to return. She happily ate one of her chicken nuggets and then urgently exclaimed "I can feel some pee!"

Since she is newly potty trained, I instinctively knew there was no time to waste. I grabbed the keys from the ignition and got her seatbelt unbuckled and got her swept into the restaurant -- almost in one motion. I thrust the keys into John's hand and we were off to the ladies room.

When we emerged I told Isobel to go and look and see if she could find John because I wasn't sure if he would be in the lobby or waiting for us in the car. She went for a quick glance at the booths and was back by my side almost immediately.

I didn't have to ask if she had found John because she excitedly exclaimed in a loud voice "I don't see GRAY HAIR anywhere!"

So we went to the car and, sure enough, her patient grey haired stepdad was waiting there for our return!

I just had to laugh....

A moment to remember, for sure!