Monday, May 24, 2010

Completely Logical!

Last night Skipper, our dog, was eating something on the carpet in the living room.

In response to his crunching, I said, "Skipper, what are you eating??"

Isobel came up to me and said, "Mum, why are you asking him that? He can't talk!"

Perfect logic... No, he couldn't tell me that he was trying to eat what looked like a chestnut!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Probing Question....

Yesterday John had to take the semi to town for an inspection prior to the annual safety. Since Isobel loves to ride in the big rig, he took her along.

On the way Isobel asked him, "How many children do you have to have before you can get married?"

Joker that he is (and because all of his three wives have had two children), John replied, "Probably a couple. But you'd have to ask your Mother to find out for sure!"

So, as he told me this, he was warning me that I was going to have to field that question in the near future.

Just the other day Isobel was telling me she remembered "being the flower girl" so I guess weddings are on her mind and she just wanted to make sure what the requirements were...

It could be interesting attempting to answer this question, so I am kind of hoping she'll forget her query before I have to tackle it!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

"I Love Johnny!"

I took Isobel to the hair salon on Thursday afternoon to have her hair cut.

While there, she was visiting with the stylist and the owner of the salon. "I love Johnny," Isobel told the ladies.

"You love Johnny?," the owner responded. (She has met John several times over the last few years because that's the only place he will go when he needs a haircut.)

"Well, he's my Dad and how could he be my Dad if I didn't love him?," Isobel explained.

As they were working on her, Isobel was very chatty. But at one point, Jeanine (the salon owner) was trying to trim her bangs just a little bit shorter and the stylist was brushing Isobel's hair with a round brush and blowdrying it. "Hey, watch the ears!," Isobel instructed, in a loud voice, which was peppered with dismay.

Another lady was having perm rods put in and both the client and the employee working on her, were having a hard time not laughing out loud at the little gal.

The women pampered Isobel to excess, even putting rouge on her face in answer to her question, "How do you get red cheeks?" And then she got a rainbow coloured piece of hair tinsel (bling) tied into her new surf cut. Finally, as we left, Isobel got a package of M & M's as a treat. I'd told Isobel that she didn't really need any chocolate as she had a blueberry muffin waiting at Grandma's house. But she really wanted a treat... so Jeanine handed her a package of M & M's and told her to run!

From there, we went to the eye doctor for Isobel's annual check up. I think she really wanted to dupe the optician into giving her an Rx for glasses. They shone pictures of various things on the wall and Isobel answered correctly that it was an "E" and that another icon was a birthday cake. Then they flashed up a drawing of a bird. "I think that's a flower pot," she said. Unfortunately (for her) the trick didn't work and she was given a clean bill of eye health and told to come back next year. In fact, she is actually a bit less farsighted than she was last year. So be sure to watch for flying flowerpots in the sky near you!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

"I'm All For Growing Up!"

It was the Neilburg Composite School graduation ceremonies last night and I didn't have a sitter. I decided Alisdair would be able to look after himself, quite capably for a little while, so I told Isobel she would have to come along with me when I went to take photos for the newspaper.

I explained to Isobel there would be lots of beautiful girls and they would be wearing pretty dresses.

"I love pretty dresses," she exclaimed loudly, and as we walked across the street towards the school, she gave a little jump. When I told her when she graduated someday, she too, would have a pretty dress, Isobel inquired, "And dangly earrings?"

When I said, yes, she probably could wear dangly earrings, too -- she got even more excited.

"I'm all for growing up!," Isobel declared.

It was also an educational experience for Isobel because one of the graduates was a lesbian and she had her "girlfriend" as an escort.

When we came home Isobel told me that she was going to tell Grandma about the pretty dresses with all the sparkles and that she'd learned, "Girls were mixable!"

Not exactly a lesson I hoped she would learn.

Sometimes, I think it might not be such a great idea to be "all for growing up!"

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Parenting? It's "Easy-Peasy!"

Isobel was unusually snuggly this morning, climbing up on my lap. So we had a cuddle and I said that was so nice to get to do this with her because sometimes parenting was hard.

John was lounging on the nearby bed -- watching and listening to everything.

Isobel laughed and said "It's 'easy-peasy' when you can read my mind!" Then I asked her who could read her mind?

"I'm pointing at him," she said, gesturing at John.

"How does he read your mind?," I continued to inquire, to see if I could learn more about how this child thinks.

"Well, he brings me lollipops," she said.

And behind Isobel (out of her view) the alleged mindreader was enjoying overhearing the snipets of our conversation.

Next time, when the going gets rough, I'll just have to remember to use a little telepathy and then it will become 'easy-peasy' for me too!