Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Be Sure You Have Your Reading Glasses...

Yesterday Isobel got a parcel from containing two books intended to be her Easter surprise from her Scottish Granny. One book was a re-telling of Rapunzel and the other was the old favourite, Sleeping Beauty. Although I had already read both books to her, Isobel went to John last night and asked him to read them to her.

"I can't," was his response. "I don't have my glasses."

And so she was put off ... but only for a while...

This morning, before John left for work, he was sitting on the couch drinking his morning coffee.

Isobel got her Sleeping Beauty book and climbed up onto his lap. "Got your glasses?," she asked. And then answering her own question, she reached out and took John's reading glasses from the pocket of his shirt, opened the lid of the plastic container and handed them to him.

We caught each other's eye and laughed. And, with a smile, Isobel got an abridged version of Sleeping Beauty before breakfast!

So much for excuses!

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